Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Encryption of Data

Dear All
We have a requirement to encrypt data within SQL Server,
eg, Bank Account / credit card numbers.
I don't believe there is anything in-built within SQL
Server 2000, but is there something in-built in 2005 ?
Please note I do know about security and SSL but in this
case we are trying to encrypt the data in the server
SQL Server 2005 will support this at column level using Certificates.
"Jane" wrote:

> Dear All
> We have a requirement to encrypt data within SQL Server,
> eg, Bank Account / credit card numbers.
> I don't believe there is anything in-built within SQL
> Server 2000, but is there something in-built in 2005 ?
> Please note I do know about security and SSL but in this
> case we are trying to encrypt the data in the server
> itself.
>|||There are a number of offerings, one of which is ours, NetLib Encryptionizer
(www.netlib.com). I am sure the others will speak up for themselves.
Encryptionizer is the only one that has the capability of protecting columns
and/or entire databases. It is already in use in banks, credit card
processors, government agencies, and many other places.
Neil Weicher
"Jane" <anonymous@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
Dear All
We have a requirement to encrypt data within SQL Server,
eg, Bank Account / credit card numbers.
I don't believe there is anything in-built within SQL
Server 2000, but is there something in-built in 2005 ?
Please note I do know about security and SSL but in this
case we are trying to encrypt the data in the server
itself.|||anybody tried this yet?
if you do a select from query analyzer, will you get back encrypted data
or can you install the certificate in query analyzer so you get back
decrypted data?
Mike Epprecht (SQL MVP) wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> Hi
> SQL Server 2005 will support this at column level using Certificates.
> Regards
> Mike
> "Jane" wrote:
>|||To be honest I was talking a load of rubbish, I don not
know how Certificates work in sufficent detail to know if
it will work or not.
Our problem however is so that DBA's like myself cannot
read the data.

>--Original Message--
>anybody tried this yet?
>if you do a select from query analyzer, will you get back
encrypted data
>or can you install the certificate in query analyzer so
you get back
>decrypted data?
>Mike Epprecht (SQL MVP) wrote:
>|||Take a look around on the internet. There are various encryption algorithms
that you can use.
There is an RC4 one out there that is pretty straight-forward. Install the
function and then use it for both encryption and decryption.
Note: While this link shows the info on RC4 algorithm and an
implementation, I do not know if this is IP and whether or not you need to
purchase some type of license for it. Do your due diligence.
Rick Sawtell

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