Thursday, March 29, 2012

ENDPOINTs in SQL Server 2005 April CTP


I've been happily using VS2005 Beta 1 to access ENDPOINTs on SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 for a while now with no problems. Having just upgraded to VS2005 Beta 2 and SQL Server 2005 April CTP I now get this when I make a call to the ENDPOINT web service:

"The request failed with HTTP status 505: HTTP Version not supported."

Also, if I try to access the WSDL just through Internet Explorer by putting "?wsdl" on the end of the url, I get:

"Error 501/505 - Not implemented or not supported"

It all worked fine in previous beta's. Any idea if some new features\security are causing me this problem, or does it just not work anymore ?

Thanks for any help.

Hmm, this works fine for me. If you go into the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool and check the Native Web services feature; do you see your endpoints then? If you do, make sure they are started.

Also, what OS, do you run under; XP or Win2K3? If you run under XP make sure that the native httplistener is started; "net start httplistener".


|||Hi Niels

Thankyou for your reply.

I've just looked under Native Web Services and both
endpoints I use are Started. I'm using Win2k3. Still
having no luck with it unfortunately. Did you unistall
any previous beta's before you installed your current
version? I did, so I'm just wondering if thats were my
problem is.

Colin.|||Hi Colin

We recently (since the last beta, but a few IDW's ago) dropped support for HTTP 1.0. In other words we reject a request from a HTTP 1.0 client. We now require that the incoming request be a HTTP 1.1 request. This was done because we were sending back chunked responses and chunking isn’t allowed in HTTP/1.0. Is it possible to upgrade your client (IE) to use the newer HTTP protocol. When we made the decision we didn't anticipate that there would be too many applications out there using HTTP 1.0.

Srik|||Hello Colin,
Is it possible to get a netmon sniff of the client/server communication to confirm that this is indeed a HTTP/1.0 request that SQL Server is rejecting?

Anu|||Thanks for your help guys.

Discovered that the endpoint does work properly when using machine names in the url (so thats request are limited to within our network). But when I put a internet domain name in, I get this 'not supported' problem.

It turns out that you are correct in that the sql server is recieving a HTTP 1.0 request, which I found quite odd, because my client is xp with all the latest patches and updates.

Anyway, after further thought I guessed our firewall could be doing something (it is Microsoft ;) ) and it turns out that is where the problem is. As detailed in the TechNet article :

Microsoft ISA Server will forward 1.1 requests as 1.0

Well done Microsoft. Seems you have to pay for the new Micro$oft ISA 2004 version that get the desired functionality.



I have one similar trouble, I made one webservice with sql server 2005 create endpoint. In my office that we have a domain controller I needed to start my sql server in several machines with the same domain user and all works fine. In customer office they don't have a domain, the machines are connected in a Lan but there are not common users within the machines. When I try to invoke the webservice It always shows LOGIN ERROR. I make one user in both machines (same name, same password) and I cannot access web service.

Some help ?

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