Friday, February 17, 2012

Empty Source So there is no data in the pipleline


I am trying to do a lookup for a value in a codes table and if that code is not there; add it to the table, my problem is if the lookup table is blank no records to begin with it will not add any data, that means the data source is empty so there no data going thru the data pipeline. So how do I get data in the table if we start with an empty table? If I am not clear I can explain it more.


If lookup fails, the row is director to error output of the lookup component. You can direct this output to destination table.|||I did try that and nothiong hapend, i think my problem it that i am starting off with an empty source|||

Your LOOKUP table is empty right? Well that means that any data in the pipeline will not have a matching value in the LOOKUP table so that table in the pipeline qill need to get directed down the error output as Michael said.

You should then insert the data in that error output into your LOOKUP table.

Why isn't this working?



My problem was that my data source is also the lookup table and its empty, so there is no data in the pipeline, I guess if the data source is empty you can’t do anything, the lookup error output won’t work none on the transformers will do anything even though it runs green. Do i make sence?


If you have no data in the source I'm lost as to why you're even building a data-flow let alone tying to decide what to put in it.

SSIS moves data about. If you don't have any data to move - why use SSIS?

Or am I misunderstanding?


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