Friday, February 17, 2012

Empty Space between two tables

I have placed two tables from the toolbox onto the report. Filled the two tables Table A, Table B with data from the database. When i run the report I want the Table B's data to be appended to Table A's data. But, when I tried to do this, there is lot of empty space between two tables's data. How can i get rid of this empty space.
Thank You so much.

I don't understand why you separating data in 2 tables. It's a master - detail report? Anyway, the text box support expressions. You can do an expresion like this =!Fields(TableAField1.Value)+" "+!Fields(TableBField1.Value).
Is that what you want to do?
Can you be more specific? I think you have a midunderstanding of the kind of report you want to do or a query mistake.

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